Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Turn? This or That?

Now what? My youngest just turned 19 yesterday. It is the last year he will be a is also the last year I will have a teenager I can call mine. (Although he doesn't like that idea.) When my kids were growing up, I used to say... when they get older and I have more time, I will do this or that. Well, here I am it is time for this or that.....but dang if I can remember what this or that was. It all seemed so important when they were young. Boy! If I had the time I would do this or that! Now I have the time....(kind of) and I don't know for sure what I should do with it. Do I bring out the paints and start painting again? What about genealogy, I really should pick that up again... and how about the piano and guitar...I really want to learn both of those instruments. Then there is photography, I am inspired by the photos Katie, Boo and Amanda take, do I pursue that? How about my weight? I no longer have the excuse that I don't have time or don't feel like dragging around the little munchkins. I have a dream of building a home with my own two hands. What about my education? How far do I go? Then there is softball and volleyball, am I getting too old to play those yet? I can still run the bases and set a volleyball. Do I continue playing until I can not physically do them any more and then pursue the other non-physical items on my list? This and that sure did creep up on me, now what?