Playing volleyball seems like such an easy safe sport...after all it isn't a contact sport like football, right? Even though it is considered non-contact once in a while contact occurs and usually if I am on the court I will be in the middle of that. Which is precisely what happened last Thusday, October 1st. I was playing volleyball. As I started to lean to my left slightly to prepare to hit the ball coming my way, Frank stepped forward into my path. My left pinky finger hit his shoulder and proceeded to bend back further than should be allowed. I managed to get the ball back over and some idiot hit it right back to then I had grabbed my hand and had put it between my legs. Someone yelled at me to get the ball....I said...I'm not going to be able to get it and then they realized something had happened. They stopped the game. I told them to just give me a few, I will be alright as soon as it quits hurting (which did not happen that night.) George piped up and said, ok, it is time to put away the net. I said, no, we can finish the game. I can still play, I will just have to play with one hand....well stickly little Lynette is going to school to be some sort of nurse and she wouldn't let me go back to playing. So, I sat and watched the rest of the last game...but...dang that hurt!
I had kind of wondered at some point in my life what a broken bone would feel like. It isn't that bad. At the time of the injury my finger broke and realigned, then in less than 24 hours, my finger had gone numb and black and blue. I decided it was probably broken (although when I saw the doc, I told him I didn't think it was. I even bet him a quarter it wasn't.....he told me to give the quarter he won to charity.)
Really it isn't that bad. I have had things happen to me that really made me cry....this wasn't one of them. The recovery is a whole lot more painful than the injury had been.
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5 weeks ago
Told ya...gotta place nice!!